This is often where people make some common mistakes with intermittent fasting and drinking coffee. Fresh brewed black coffee with nothing added is fine during a fast. Just remember the goal is zero or few calories during the fasted state. Zero is the goal.

Can you drink coffee when fasting? The easy answer is YES! The coffee you drink when fasting needs to be black with no additives. adding milk, sugar, caramel, spices, or other calories will stop the beneficial effects of a fast.

Hot Tea Works Well

Hot tea is also a great alternative to coffee however make sure to check the box to see what is in the tea. Some flavored teas have sugar and or carbs in them.

You can also drink bulletproof coffee while fasting also. Bulletproof coffee is made by adding coconut oil, butter, or tiny amounts of heavy whipping cream to your beverage in hopes you can trick your brain to lengthen your fasting period. These are tricks for those of you who just cannot drink black coffee.

Bulletproof coffee should be drunk in small, far black coffee is the best recommendation but if the choice is eating something to break your fast or drinking bulletproof coffee then bulletproof coffee is a much better choice.

Rules for Drinking Coffee

Now let’s talk a little more in detail about can I drink coffee when fasting. There are some rules that need to be followed while fasting.

  1. Drinking substantial amounts of coffee in the afternoon or evening can cause you issues with getting a good night’s sleep.
  2. You should have coffee during the mid-morning and early afternoon hours. This is the time when your cortisol levels in the body start to drop.
  3. Avoid having more than one cup, or switch to decaf when you’re fasting. Excessive caffeine, especially on an empty stomach, may increase those jittery feelings which can often increase appetite and the desire to snack.

In closing

The best thing to drink while fasting is H2O. This keeps the body hydrated which is important when fasting either intermittent fasting or a longer fast of 24-48 hours and longer. When fasting can you drink coffee yes just make sure there is plenty of H2O to balance out the caffeine intake.