Overweight woman with measuring tape

There are several BIG differences between fasting and dieting.


First fasting is not a caloric deficit. It is a time-restricted eating plan. The average person will still consume between 1800- 2500 calories per day depending on the person’s size, weight, activity level, and age.

The mistake that many people make is they try to restrict calories when fasting because they don’t understand the principle of fasting.

The principle of fasting is time-restricted eating NOT calorie restriction. There are many benefits to time-restricted eating.

  • It gives the body a chance to repair itself because it is not digesting food all day.
  • During fasting the body will burn fat for fuel.
  • Your body will produce keystones to be used for fuel, Much better fuel for the body.
  • It will lower your blood sugar to the normal range.
  • Intermittent fasting can do for the rest of your life.
  • There are many benefits of fasting for health.
  • Can save you a lot of money/time in the long run.

Calorie restriction diets and why they don’t work.

Do You Remember The TV show “Biggest Loser”

Biggest loser participants after leaving the show 98% gain their weight back and some even gained more weight. Below is why calorie deficit diets don’t work long term.

When you start the body is forced to lose weight but in a very short period of time, The body will make an adjustment to the number of calories you have taken daily.

The body will go into a preservation mode because of the lack of food, It does this by slowing down your metabolism to account for the lack of nutrients. Then the weight loss will slow or stop.

The only way to continue when this happens is to lower your calorie intake again. Then the body adjusts again, and weight loss slows or stops again. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? It is a never-ending cycle, and everyone gets frustrated and quits.

The “diet industry” is worth billions of dollars each year. People go from this pill then this potion only to spend money on things that will never work for more than a few pounds. I was one of those people for many years until I found fasting.

  • Diets cannot be maintained for life.
  • Financial investment can be large.
  • Diets in a box do not teach you how to eat properly.
  • Does not do much to improve health other than the few pounds you will lose
  • Does not help with lower blood sugar.


I am living proof as well as 10s of thousands of people that fasting works with no Yo-yo weight loss. Cost little or no money to fasting. It actually saves you money because you are not eating 5-6 times a day

My weight loss has been over 40 lbs. in about 6 months, and it has been 2 years and the weight is still gone. The other thing to consider is health.